Home at last (however briefly)!

We arived back in Sydney on Friday the 1st of September. As usual, the weather was amazing upon our arrival which does lead us to question why we're happy to brave the cold and wet of the nothern winter when this is considered a winters day!
The following day, my sister Gabrielle married Lyndon Higgins -the weather was fantastic, Gab looked gorgeous and the day was a great celebration as you can see from the photos. I was honoured to have been asked to be the Master of Ceremonies for the evening and thankfully, from all accounts, managed to fulfill expectations of the bride and groom.

Celebrations continued into the wee hours and i had barely enough time to sleep off my drunkenness before once again being tempted by a cold beer overlooking Sydney Harbour at a post wedding / father's day luncheon with the McInerney and Higgins families. The amaazing setting, fantastic food and wonderful company were a fitting compliment to the previous days festivities.

The rest of the week was an enjoyable melange of family catch ups - including meeting our nephew Thomas (or Tommy) for the 1st time and smothering him with love, socialising with friends, taking care of certain administrative chores and enjoying countless fine meals and lovely beverages.

Catching up with friends at the Commodore
Although Sam had only given birth a few weeks prior, she very generously and selflessly organised a surprise baby shower for Claudia on the following Saturday which was well attended by friends and family alike.

The following morning we took great delight in celebrating Thomas' christening and then retreating to Sam & Eden's for a feast. Unfortunately, though it was a great day it was quite emotional for the girls that evening as we were to leave the next day. More waterworks were in evidence the next day at Kingsford Smith as we departed on QF001 for Amsterdam though our extended stay means that all of you back home now have a reason to come and visit Claud, Finn, me and junior burger (whatever sex he or she may be)!

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