Ava's first months
What an amazing experience Fatherhood is. I am not only in awe of how a child grows so quickly, but the speed with which women, Claudia in particular, become adept at mothering as though they were old hands.
I have been constantly amazed at how calm and collected Claud is with Ava, knowing what to do and when to do it and never losing her composure. I hope that my fathering is half as competent as then I would be doing a good job.
We were fortunate in receiving from Gabrielle's parents-in-law a fantastic addition to our DVD collection - Dunstan Baby Language. The interpretation of a baby's 5 different cries have proved a godsend as we now feel competent in understanding what Ava is trying to tell us and so far, from what we can tell, it's proving pretty accurate.
In my 'Best in Snow' outfit - a shame it wasn't a white Christmas!
Rugged up for the cold weather - Boxing Day
Walking with Dad through the Christ Church Reserve
With Dad and Finn in the Christ Church Reserve
Spending some quality time with Mum on NYE
Kicking back in my cot - notice my smile?
Trying out for the YMCA dance troupe
Reaching out of my cot
Having fun with Mum in my room
I have been constantly amazed at how calm and collected Claud is with Ava, knowing what to do and when to do it and never losing her composure. I hope that my fathering is half as competent as then I would be doing a good job.
We were fortunate in receiving from Gabrielle's parents-in-law a fantastic addition to our DVD collection - Dunstan Baby Language. The interpretation of a baby's 5 different cries have proved a godsend as we now feel competent in understanding what Ava is trying to tell us and so far, from what we can tell, it's proving pretty accurate.
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